Huber Ridge Area

Columbus Water

Posted in: Huber Ridge Area

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Columbus City Council passed a 12.5 percent price increase Monday night, NBC 4 reported.

It adds up to $7 per month or a little more than $20 each quarter.

The increase will take effect January 1 for water customers inside city limits.

Some low-income families and senior citizens are eligible for a discount. Call 614-645-3111 for discount qualifications.

Wouldn't it be nice if 12% only added up to $7/month in our neighborhood? Is there any discount for our elderly and low income?

By Nancy
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  • bambi
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Blendon Township, OH
  • 337 Posts

Thanks for writing, Nancy. I also heard on the news that their total bill would rise (on average) somewhere around $87 a year. What a joke! We pay more than that per month.

I just wrote the check for our water bill this morning. Now that the summer/winter sewer reduction is no longer in effect, our bill for 8 ccf was a whopping $93.81 - FOR ONE MONTH.

Just think, if this greedy, gouging company gets the next rate increase approved for the 32 percent they have the audacity to ask for, then our monthly water bill will be $123.83 per month for 8 ccf. Does anybody see that as an outrageous amount in comparison to every other water company around???

You asked, ''Wouldn't it be nice if 12% only added up to $7/month in our neighborhood? Is there any discount for our elderly and low income?''

My response to your first question is, wouldn't it be nice if this company were not a monopoly and we all paid the same rates for the same product and services as our surrounding communities?

But for years we have been gouged by this company, unchecked by us because we often did not know the rates were going up until it was a done deal. But most rate increases have gone into effect unchecked by the PUCO. I cannot recall ever being notified in advance by our trustees and certainly not by OAW - until now.

I am pleased and grateful that our trustees were first to write to the PUCO this time. Their letter is not yet listed under the proper case number, however, but may be soon in the event you wish to view it.

Now, about discounts for the elderly and low income - PLEASE!! I would not hold my breath. But we can and should ask for it.

So, let us get going with our letters to the PUCO and Governor Strickland, and let us get going and get serious with petitions. I have them for anyone willing to do the work.

None of us can do it alone. We need each other.
Water rates

Don't let those numbers get your attention too much. Columbus sells water to neighboring municipalities at double the percentage. They are charging Gahanna a 20% increase this year!!!!
water bill

$93.81 per month... seriously?? We just moved to the neighborhood this weekend. Before moving, I made sure to check the price of various utilities, but didn't even think about water. Previously, we lived in Dublin and paid about $150 a quarter to Columbus for water and sewer. What other cities/townships does this water company provide service to?

By Jason
Blendon Township, Ohio 43081