Huber Ridge Area

The Park

Posted in: Huber Ridge Area
The park on Buenos Aires looks wonderful. When driving by a couple weeks ago I noticed several men working on repairing the stairs and putting mulch out. The park looks so much better (and it is safer now to get down the stairs!) Thanks to those gentlemen that put in their time (I assume volunteers)to make our neighborhood a desireable place to live.

By Nancy
thank you

nancy thank you for noticing the difference in the park. the flower beds were installed by the HRAA, and the stairs were an eagle scout project from troop 560. we are working hard to make a difference in the community, and occassionally it is nice to hear from someone that a differnce is being noticed. good communications build great communities.

By jim w
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  • bambi
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  • Blendon Township, OH
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Lots of Volunteers

Hi Nancy,

By now you may have received your newsletter at your door and have seen that a candidate for Eagle Scout worked on the steps.

Yes, volunteers helped him; but to their credit, our service director and his crew put in time and our trustees helped as well.

Lori Mann, who wrote the article in the newsletter, is one of the scout masters.
SHE has done a great job, too. She coordinated the park cleanup for the last two years and maybe more. And she lives in our neighborhood. Thank you, Lori.


Hi Pam,
Thank you for that information. My family lives in the Blendon Square Townhomes so unfortunately we did not get the newsletter, nor do we receive the Westerville News so most of the information I get is through the schools or this website. If you need someone to deliver newsletters in our complex please let me know and I will be happy to help. Due to my daughters year round soccer schedule it seems practices are always on Thursdays so I am unable to make the meetings.

By Nancy
Blendon Township, Ohio 43081