Huber Ridge Area

Dangerous Cut-throughs

Posted in: Huber Ridge Area

I reside in one of the houses atop the "cliff" overlooking the park that is located off Buenos Aires.  We constantly have children cutting through our yard to use the trail that cuts along the cliffs edge, a short-cut from Buenos Aires to Lisbon Place (a short-cut of sorts that avoids the "long" walk around up to the corner of Harbin and Buenos Aires). We need help in trying to prevent people from using the dangerous landscape and our yard as a cut-through.

When we moved in two years ago, we were not sure where the kids were cutting through.  We have caught a few adults, too. I took the path once and it is VERY dangerous.  It is a narrow dirt path that runs along the cliff's edge and ends just behind our shed, which is not stable, and the hill is so steep that it takes great effort to walk up it without going on all fours.  We have put up "No Trespassing" signs and whenever we catch someone cutting through, we ask them to not use the path.  The traffic has slowed down, but we still have kids cutting through- our neighbor has a fenced in yard and ours is the only one that has "doable" access.  I greatly worry about trespassers falling and getting hurt.

Along with kids using the path, we have also had to chase off kids climbing up the cliff as they scale the wall and come into our backyard. Trying to look down over it, you can't even see where the bottom of the cliff meets the creek.  I sincerely worry that someone will fall from either the path or the cliff and we will be to blame (our property goes all the way down to the creek's edge on the other side of the park).

Please help us maintain safety and let people know that the path along the cliff's edge is not a cut through.  Please also let your children know that they should not climb the cliff- for their safety and for ours.

  • Avatar
  • bambi
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Blendon Township, OH
  • 337 Posts

Hi Neighbor,

Your concern seems valid to me.  I will copy your post and send it Lt. Lephart, acting police chief, for his advice.

Pam Clegg, Block Watch Coordinator



Blendon Township, Ohio 43081