Huber Ridge Area

new more efficient direction

Posted in: Huber Ridge Area
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As being a resident or an employee of Blendon Township for the last 45 years, I've seen the GOOD and the BAD. As the Township residents face another election process, the issues posted will continue, regardless of who is elected. YES it is time for a change- and change can come from newly elected officials or from new attitudes from re-elected current officials. It seems to me(by reading the posted comments) that the big issues are the appearance and condition of the parks/curbs-sidewalks-etc and the general up keep of MANY houses throughout the Township. By the volume of people posting comments, one can assume that the desire to have a better place to live is paramont. Blendon Township zoning is at the mercy of the Franklin County Zoning Board ??? Recently the Board of trustee's developed a liaison position (Ptl. Rhoads)to handle the on-set of compliants/issues. This is a good start, but not enough. Look around at other central Ohio townships that have their own zoning boards. These are zoning boards of residents of that township who care and have common goals. DOES BLENDON TOWNSHIP HAVE THESE TYPE PEOPLE....I BELIEVE SO. So the time of change may be Nov 6th...but regardless of who gets elected--the residents can make a difference! Get active in the Township and together lets see what it would take to develope a BLENDON TOWNSHIP ZONING BOARD. I think it would be a ''new more efficient direction''
Doing my part to make Blendon Twp safe

Branch Wayt
Great Idea but...

Hi Branch - it good to get more input. I think this is a great idea except...we aren't even enforcing the codes we do have (perfect example, the sidewalks) so I'm not sure adding more would help at this point. I've been to trustee meetings and brought this same issue up almost 2 years ago -the only thing that's changed is the sidewalks that were bad then are much worse now. I'm afraid that more laws would just give them more to ''talk over'' and ''discuss'' and that's about it.

By Mary
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Let's Vote and Act

Mary,I can understand your frustration about not being heard. But I think what Sgt. Wayt communicated is true - change is coming - either in the election of a new trustee or in the response of current leadership. Who will serve us remains to be seen on election day. After the election, residents need to ensure accountability.

You have not been intimidated in your communication. Many are intimidated, and I can understand their reasons. You also are willing to act. Not too many are willing to do that either. Stewart Flaherty referred to the 80/20 rule at the Q&A. That rule may hold true for volunteering, but it should not hold true for each resident doing their part to care for their property, home, and even their neighbor.

Not everyone has a lot of money and many live within a tight budget. When money is an issue and improvements need to wait, basics like picking up trash (and toys) in the yard should not wait. Trimming shrubs, weeding, cutting grass - should not wait. If a resident is physically incapable of caring for their yard, let someone know. We can work together to help.

I delivered the newsletter recently to several streets. Some homes had trash and toys strewn all over the yard. It perplexes me.

Yet I am encouraged because at the same time I see improvement. So let's vote, let's act, and let's be a caring, informed community.
New-More Effecient Direction

The Board of Trustees did review the idea of a zoning board a few years back and opted not to attempt to force such a board on the citizens. The Ohio Revised Code allows for the citizens to bring to the Board of Trustees a petition, ''signed by a number of qualified voters residing in the unincorporated area of the township or part thereof to be included in the zoning plan equal to not less than eight per cent of the total vote cast for all candidates for governor in such area at the most recent general election at which a governor was elected, requesting the board t proceed with township zoning under such sections.'' Sec. 519.03 ORC. The logic at the time was that if the citizens petitiioned the board in accordance with the above, there would be those persons already in place willing to fill the seats on the zoning board and spend the many hours required to make it work. I have discussed the idea of zoning boards with other trustees at Ohio Township Conventions. Some favored them and some did not, however, most agreed that it is difficult to recruit qualified people to sit on the board. I would support a township zoning board if that is what the citizens of Blendon Township desire since it would affect all citizens and not just a few. Working through the county zoning board has worked, however, enforcement is slow at best.
Remember, the Board of Trustees meets every other Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Senior Center. All are welcome to attend and give their ideas and comments.

By Jerry L. Ward-Trustee
Blendon Township, Ohio 43081